Neuroscience, neuroeducation, neurodidactics and technology


De Barros, C. & Hernández, A. (2022). Neuroscience, neuroeducation, neurodidactics and technology. Texto Livre, v.15, e41235. DOI:10.35699/1983-3652.2022.41235

This monograph entitled "Neuroscience, neuroeducation, neurodidactics and technology" is insertednot only in the current scientific situation, but also responds to the need to establish the researchbases that allow the advancement of education with a neuro and technological base.Charles Scott Sherrington is considered the pioneer of Neuroscience (MORA TERUEL,2019).Neurosciences constitute a set of knowledge that focuses on studying the structure and functioning ofthe nervous system, as well as the interaction of the elements of the brain that give rise to the behaviorof human beings (BLAKEMORE; FRITH,2007;MANES; NIRO,2014), in order to understand howthought, consciousness, social interaction, creativity, perception, free will, emotion, among otherfacts, originate, which leads to the multidisciplinary nature of this new science. It must bring togetherneurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers, linguists, biologists, engineers, physicists andmathematicians (MANES; NIRO,2014), as well as physicians, sociologists, theologians and a longlist of others, since understanding brain functioning is everyone's responsibility (CUMPA VALENCIA,2019).The application of neuroscience in the educational field is called neuroeducation. This disciplinethat aims to develop new teaching and learning methods by combining pedagogy, neurobiology andcognitive sciences (MANES; NIRO,2014). Neuroeducation is a branch of education, which linksknowledge based on neuroimaging with the way the brain interacts with its environment. Specifically,it focuses on the learning/teaching process. A new look at the school process that links Neuroscienceand Education (BÉJAR,2014).The practical application of neuroeducation is neurodidactics, proposed by Gerhard Preiss, in 1988at the University of Freiburg. It is the application of knowledge about the functioning of the brainand the intervention of neurobiological processes in learning, in order to make it optimal and efficient(FORÉS MIRAVALLES; LIGIOIZ VÁZQUEZ,2009).The need to provide this scientific space is given by the emergence of Neuroscience in all sectorsof knowledge, and lately with great impact in the educational context, where Neuroeducation andespecially Neurodidactics have become emerging disciplines, necessary and inevitable in the work ofteachers.This monograph, wants to provide the current state of neuroeducation and technology, for which,we begin with the innovative studies of neuroimaging in neuropedagogy and neuromethodology, wecontinue relating neuroeducation and technology in vulnerable groups, as well as the relationshipwith the teaching-learning process. On the other hand, it includes a study on neuromarketing andtechnologies, neurodidactic factors in the prediction of university dropout, teacher professionalization,cognitive neuroscience, IOT and neurodiversity, the influence of ICT and social networks in socialexclusion and the monograph ends with the concept map cmaptools as a neurodidactic tool.

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