Neurodidactics: an experience in inclusive education applied to ICT
Delgado, K. & Jadan, J. (2022). La neurodidáctica: una experiencia en educación inclusiva aplicada a las TIC. Texto Livre, vol. 15, e45509. DOI:10.35699/1983-3652.2022.40509
Learning is based on the approaches of neurodidactics, to respond to the diversity of learning needs with theuse of technological resources, as the main option to guarantee the educational service, support the commu-nity, provide protection and emotional support in children, girls and adolescents with disabilities (NNACD). Itproposes an analysis that allows knowing the application of accessibility to learning in five educational insti-tutions of Fe y Alegría, belonging to three localities of Ecuador with 212 NNACD, who, in a specific way ofattention, develop their learning for life, through the qualitative research, related to Person Centered Planning(PCP). The information has been organized into three levels: equipment and connectivity, psychomotricity of the NNACD and pedagogical delivery, which allow defining the different skills assumed by the NNACDaccording to specific disabilities and with respect to technological accessibility. The main resources used aretablets, smartphones and computers. The use of desktop computers allows a greater field of work, espe-cially in students with intellectual disabilities and infantile cerebral palsy, who require additional technologicaladaptations.