Neurodidactic factors in the prediction ofacademic dropout in Andalusian universitystudents: preventive actions based on ICT.
Álvarez, D., Arias, M., González, E. & Fernández Cruz, M. (2022). Neurodidactic factors in the prediction ofacademic dropout in Andalusian universitystudents: preventive actions based on ICT. Texto Livre, vol. 15, e45502. DOI:10.35699/1983-3652.2022.40502
Persistence and dropout are two sides of the same coin. Together with personal and social factors, associatedwith the quality of teaching provided by universities determine students' ability to persist in achieving theiracademic degree or, on the contrary, to drop out of university studies. Our working hypothesis is that theimpact on improving the quality of teaching by considering neurodidactic factors, which are currently beingresearched and experimented with, can improve the overall persistence rate by reducing the dropout rate. Inthis preliminary study, we intend to make a first approach to the phenomenon of academic failure in Andalusianuniversities from the prediction and diagnosis of risk groups and the recommendation of preventive measures.Among the measures we proposed for prevention, we highligh those that have an impact on neurodidacticfactors. Our work consisted of applying an instrument to diagnose the risk of dropping out of universitystudies to a sample of first-year university students in Andalusian universities. The instrument was applied atthe beginning of the second semester. Out of the 976 students surveyed, we have established a risk group of34 students. We will propose measures oriented towards the neurodidactics factors that predict dropout andcall for the use of ICT in the implementation of preventive measures.